Alan Pollock
About me:
I initially developed an interest in photography as a teenager utilising an old twin lens reflex camera about the size of a brick which produced great quality images from large negatives, with a 35mm SLR used for colour slides. Having lost access to a darkroom when I moved to Scotland as a student my interest in photography waned, but after a gap of about 40 years I restored my interest in club photography 5 years ago. That early experience has influenced my approach which is still centred on trying to get the image right in the camera to minimise the time spent in front of the computer in subsequent processing.
I have quite a broad range of interests in life which tends to be reflected in my photography which is not confined to a single genre. As a visual art, I enjoy photographs that have an immediate visual impact but with some depth or elements which retain interest. I particularly enjoy abstract images that are often based on selected elements of modern architecture. This type of image rarely does well in competitions but ultimately I produce images that I enjoy and if a judge or another photographer likes them that is a bonus!!