Minutes of A.G.M. Held on 18th April 2024 at 7.30pm.

Present: Alan Pollock, Dave Gordon, Frank Andrew, Johnny MacLeod,

Ruth Vance, Liz Barrie, Carole Maclaren, Alan Gardener, Don Ellis,

Fred Linney. Mike Chandler, Helen Miller, Hazel Fletcher, Ian Smith.

Apologies: Stuart Revell.

Adoption of 2023 A.G.M. Minutes

Any matters arising. Sub league for novices, after some discussion it was decided that a novice league was not required.

The 2023 A.G.M. Minutes were adopted proposed by Alan Gardener, seconded by Ruth Vance.

Chairman report: - see separate sheet

Secretary report: - see separate sheet

Treasurers report: - see separate sheet

Election of office bearers

Chairman, Alan Pollock

Vice Chairman Fred Linney

Secretary Carole Maclaren

Treasurer Johnny MacLeod

Other committee members

Syllabus Secretary Frank Andrew with Carole Maclaren and Hazel Fletcher

Competition Secretaries Ruth Vance and Liz Barrie

Web Master Frank Andrew

I.T. Alan Gardener

Publicity Mike Chandler

New membership Ian Smith

Stuart Revell

Review of Subscriptions, at a previous committee meeting on 14th of March 2024, it was agreed that the Subscriptions would be raised to £65, it was also suggested that there should be a charge for the summer programme. After a brief discussion it was agreed that the charge for the summer programme would be £20.    

Alan also raised the need for a new laptop as being essential and we should be ring-fencing a sum of money towards the purchase of a laptop.

Members would also to be invited to contribute £20 towards the cost of the new laptop.

Date of open night 2024 will be Thursday 5th September.

Theme for the themed competition is to be sense of Movement.


Tea and coffee organiser, Helen Miller agreed to take over from Ruth and Liz.

Presentation of Trophies

(Cupar camera club cup) Annual colour print Alan Pollock

(Abrahams Trophy) Annual Mono print Mike Chandler

(Chairman’s Trophy) Annual P.D.I. Alan Pollock

(The Foggo Trophy) Annual portrait Mike Chandler

(Grant McLeish Memorial Trophy) Picture of the year Fred Linney

(ken Armit Trophy) League Mono Fred Linney

(John Brown Memorial Trophy) League Colour Fred Linney


Overall, the past season has been successful in every respect, indeed, having been a member of the club for several years I consider ti to be the best and most enjoyable during that time. The club has functioned well with a significant number of new members who have integrated into the club and have made a useful contribution to our activities.

Thanks to Frank (with assistance from Carole and Stuart) we had an excellent programme of meetings that was highly varied and offered something for everyone regardless of individual interests. In contrast to some previous years, we relied more heavily on in-house member- led sessions which added a further dimension to the programme without excessive expenditure. In addition, rather than being simply confined to the winter months, the summer programme of outings and subsequent feedback sessions ensured continuity throughout the year.

Al competitions - internal leagues, annual competition, phone, the online Picture of the Month and inter-club - ran well throughout the year. Thanks to Ruth, Liz and Stuart, firstly for taking over as competition secretaries, and to Frank for taking over the Picture of the Month at short notice. The number of entries in all competitions was satisfactory and all competitions were keenly contested. In my opinion, the overall standard of photography has improved and was reflected in the club's ability to compete in the interclub competitions, albeit without winning this year. In relation to competitions, we need to update our Rules to reflect the emerging position in the use of Al, and we probably need to revisit the question of running a novice section in the league competitions.

The club, by invitation, continued to cover local events during the year. Our images were well received and resulted in donations of around £500 to the club. That level of contribution to our funds is unlikely to continue ni the forthcoming year. Finance continues to be an issue of some concern. While our subscriptions broadly cover our running costs, the club needs to purchase anew laptop - this wil be considered later ni the meeting. Particular thanks to Johnny as Treasurer.

The website was further developed by Frank during the year and provides a greatly improved image of the club and a valuable resource for members.

Particular thanks are due to Dave Gordon who is stepping down as Secretary. Given he has been secretary since 2011 he is due a rest from this important and thankless role within the club, but hope to see him as a member in the future

As most of you wil be aware, I served as Chair for the 3 years as established ni the Club Constitution, and in the absence of a replacement last year I have continued for another year as Vice Chair acting de facto as Chair. Iwould like to thank al of those members who have assisted in the running of the club during that period, but would welcome the opportunity to now step down.

Alan Pollock April 2024.


.1 Al relevant mail has been circulated to members and all other mail dealt with.

2 There was no name changes required for the bank account this session.

3Minutes of all meetings, attended, were noted and written up and hard copies printed.